Healing Spaces
Healing Spaces
The environment that surrounds us has a direct impact on our brain which in turn has an impact on our body’s ability to heal. Immunologist, Dr. Esther Sternberg, the Founding Director of the University of Arizona’s Institute on Place and Well-being, who is internationally recognized for her discoveries in brain-immune interactions and the effects of the brain’s stress response on health says that the science of the mind-body interaction has now advanced into the design of institutional healthcare facilities and their environments.
AT CCI Group, we create Healing Spaces by working with facility planners, equipment planners, interior designers and architects to provide customized casework products that accent the patient environment where healing can occur. CCI Group often works directly with the owner as a part of the design team to create an integrated Healing Space, adding further value to the overall project. Whatever the need may be, we realize that our products are at the fingertips of the patients and healthcare employees. We take this responsibility seriously, investing a great deal of time and attention to detail.